Saturday, December 7


Hello! こんにちは~

There are two countries I love the most in the world. First being my home country, the UK, and second being my long-distance love affair with Japan and her culture.

I've lived in Scotland my whole life, but other countries have never failed to amaze me.

I first began loving Japan from a young age, when my dad and I would watch "Spritied Away", "Pokemon" and "Avatar" together. He also spoke of how interesting and truly different the Japanese culture was to our own. I became fascinated, first with anime and then with clothing, music and the people.

The only problems with loving Japan so much are:

A) I'm fifteen and cannot move countries on my own
B) There's barely any Japanese inspired shops, clothing, anime channels etc. etc. In Scotland

There are three anime shops I know of in the whole of the country, two of which I have never been to and the other, a small Forbidden Planet selling manga and fairly mainstream merch.

On the plus side, there are an abundance of shops, channels, clothing etc. to represent my British obsessions, which include

BBC Sherlock
Arthur Conan Doyle's "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes"
The Beatles
Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat
Fish and Chips

With this blog I hope to offer you, (hopefully), my reader an eclectic mix of fancies, from finding Gyaru fashion in the UK to my favourite animes and rating my favourite BBC TV shows.

So please, come in and take a seat.

A cup of green tea and a piece of shortbread will be waiting for you.

Li xx

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