Sunday, January 5

OOTD ~ Christmas&New Year, SHERLOCK!, Fashion and more!


It's currently 7:20pm here in Scotland as I'm writing this, and The Sign of Three is on in an hour and ten minutes, I can barely wait. You've probably heard all about The Empty Hearse, it is now my favourite episode, absolute genius. Look away if you haven't seen it now, I'll just get all this out in a few words and phrases, SHERLOLLY, MASK, WOW OKAY BUNGEE CHORD, MYCROFT, TOM, CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, MOUSTACHE, I LOVE MARY, TUBE, BONFIRE, NO JOHN! SHERLOCK YOU MEANIE! OKAY... okay. I'm done. THE MUSIC THOUGH AND- okay no, enough.

This Christmas was pretty good for me, I got lots of lovely things to show you over the next wee while:) Firstly, I got three lovely skirts from Etsy, the seller's username is NerdAlertCreations. They also make lovely scarves, I got one for my best friend's secret santa. All the stuff is totally nerdy and surprisingly well priced, the delivery to the UK takes a while though. I wore one of the skirts I got the other day and took some photos for an OOTD post~

I also got a new iPod this Christmas, so hopefully I'll be able to take more good quality photos. This is the outfit in full! You can also see my Pride and Prejudice scarf hanging over my mirror (not intentional but hey, if the shoe fits). Also, John Watson in the corner. Let's not talk about that.

In no particular order,

 These shoes I got from my dad, I'm guessing they are available online. Basically they are ridiculously incredible (and nerdy) converse with Sherlock and John on the side and the wall paper visible from the top. I normally wouldn't wear these shoes with this outfit, but I'm enjoying the 12 days of Sherlock non-hiatus, we only get them once every two years.

Next, plain black tights. Fairly straight forward. They are warm.

The shirt is a ruffle-y old-fashioned vintage blouse from Select, here it is up close;

It looks so pretty ahhhhh *_* Think is was about £15 or so, which is incredibly cheap for such a nice shirt. The cuffs on the sleeves are like the neckline, it's so cute. Soo kawaiiiiiiiiii~! One problem, it is a little see-through and I didn't have any plain white tops, so I used my school PE shirt with the badge on it and everything, so I had to wear the cardigan to cover it!

The beautiful skirt...

Pride and Prejudice text and pictures, as I'm slowly becoming a bit of a literature geek, this skirt was so perfect as soon as I saw it. I love the illustrations and the text, it's so sweet and different. This is from Etsy, for around £30. Handmade and made to measure, it fits perfectly, and despite being white, it isn't at all see-through. The hints of cream also allow for cream blouses and cardigans to suit perfectly.

The cardigan is a dark jewel-coloured green from Topshop, I purchased it a couple of years ago for school at about £40 (which is quite pricey for me, but the cardigan has lasted very well and the beauty of the colour can't be truly admired in photos, it's a little different in real life and truly beautiful).

I used a combination of jewel tones, cream and white for an elegant look. To dress it up, I would swap the cardigan and the shoes for my cream wedges and no cardigan.

I'll hopefully have some more clothing posts up soon, I'm off school again for prelims and stuff so I will be wearing casual clothes again. I have lots to show you all!

Going to watch Sherlock now, only half an hour to go as I finish this. On Wednesday when TEH previewed, me and my friends had a Sherlock party, it looked a little like this...

Yes. It was the best thing ever.

The next day when we met in town, we planned a little surprise for our friend who couldn't make it. To make sure everything went smoothly, we texted each other "LAZARUS" and replied with "LAZARUS IS GO" though the replies never came through so it didn't work very well.

Until next time, see you all!

Here I come, The Sign of Three.

~ Lisa xxx

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